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Why YoYo Diets Invariably Fail | VR Healthy Ageing

 Why YoYo Diets Invariably Fail

Why YoYo Diets Invariably Fail | VR Healthy Ageing

Want that beach ready body or want to look good for your wedding ? Diet to lose weight. Eat less calories and exercise more. It's that simple. If you burn more calories than you take in, you are going to lose weight. Well, the problem is that it does not work that way. And as everyone who has been on a diet will tell you, you tend to gain the weight back and then some. So in effect therefore, if you lost 5 kilograms, you may end up putting on 7 kilograms.

Let us try to understand what is going on inside our body as soon as we start to diet. If it is the first time, your body immediately goes on emergency mode trying to save precious calories which it is so used to a constant influx. As your metabolism slows down, you start to feel lousy and tired. Mood swings set in. You are constantly hungry and to top it all off, if you start exercising, you may end up losing interest and feeling like giving up. As your body starts to use up stored energy in the form of fat, it fills up the space by water and it learns to store more fat for future emergencies like this in case they ever happen again. Yes, eventually you will end up losing weight but since the body has its own set point, it will do all in its power to go back to that set point. Even if you gain weight it will do its best to lose it and stay on its set point which it has learned from years of your eating habits. 

If you really want to lose weight and intend to keep it off, it is this set point that you will have to alter. You will have to train your body to start altering its energy source from sugar to fat. Contrary to popular belief, healthy fat like grass fed butter and Ghee is not bad for health. The body stores fat for a purpose. And the purpose of course is to use it in time of need. In our modern society with availability of food everywhere and everytime, that time of need actually never arises. You eat whenever you are hungry. 

To have a healthy body and to maintain a healthy BMI, you will have to practise time restricted eating. Intermittent fasting like having two meals a day without snacks every two hours is a first step towards attaining a healthy and disease free body. Then comes eating whole and healthy food. Giving up dependence on sugar and stop having processed foods and refined oils. 

Losing weight in this way will help you keep it off forever. One has to realise that it is a lifetime commitment to maintain health by exercising, bringing down stress and eating whole food like nature made it without the highly processed additives and ingredients which you read on the label and might even not know what they are.

Vibhuti Misra  

 Holistic Health Specialist

 +91 813 088 2160

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