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Insulin Resistance: The Cinnamon Advantage | VR Healthy Ageing

Insulin Resistance: The Cinnamon Advantage

Insulin Resistance: The Cinnamon Advantage

Most of the modern day population is consuming way more sugar
than what our body is designed to handle. Even seemingly innocent
foods and food labels claiming no sugar have hidden sugars some

of which like Maltodextrin have a Glycemic index more than sugar

and cause rapid rise and fall in sugar levels Alcohol consumption is
another contributing factor for liver disease and as the liver starts
getting overwhelmed removing the toxins from alcohol, its other
detox capabilities take a back seat. Since alcohol is mostly empty

calories, it contributes to visceral fat accumulation and causes

insulin resistance to develop.

Cinnamon is a common spice found in most households. It contains
Cinnamaldehyde as its active component. Cinnamaldehyde has
some very powerful positive effects on our health. It can help regulate

metabolism ultimately helping with weight loss. Its ability to regulate

and even lower blood sugar levels is one of its importantproperties. Besides this it has antioxidant, anti fungal, antibacterial

and heart protective properties. It can slow down the absorption of

carbohydrates thereby protecting with insulin resistance and

increasing insulin sensitivity.

Its property to protect against nerve damage can help against many
brain related diseases especially of old age like Parkisnons and
Dementia. Cinnamon can be chewed whole or used as a powder in
cooking and in tea.

Consume Cinnamon for its numerous benefits but leading a healthy

lifestyle alongside it is essential to get all the benefits. Make regular

exercise and whole foods a regular part of your diet and it will not

only help prevent disease, it will actually help reverse many long

term diseases.

Vibhuti Misra Holistic Health Specialist
+91 813 088 2160

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