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Refined Oils and Refined Sugar | VR Healthy Ageing

 Refined Oils and Refined Sugar

Refined Oils and Refined Sugar | VR Healthy Ageing

Refined seed oils like Cottonseed Oil, Sunflower Oil, Corn Oil etc. are highly refined going through a range of processes involving chemicals like Hexane (Petroleum byproduct) and are particularly high in Omega 6 disrupting the ratio of Omega 6 to Omega 3 in the body which should be ideally 1:1 and can rise to even 50:1 in some individuals causing a range of diseases and is particularly harmful for heart health.

As is aptly clear therefore, consumption of refined oils is bad for health. Taking the case of individuals who often dine in restaurants,  it must be noted that they exclusively use refined oils and most of the time, these oils are used over and over again even for months before being replaced. It is not hard to imagine the harm they can cause to our health.

Replacing refined oils with healthy oils like Coconut Oil, Ghee, Butter, Lard, Flaxseed Oil or Avocado oil can be hugely beneficial. Consumption of fatty fish like Salmon twice a week can serve to balance out on your Omega 6 to 3 ratio. For those who cannot stand fish, taking fish oil supplements is also beneficial. Taking Cod Liver Oil supplement can also provide you with Vitamin A and D besides Omega 3.

Refined sugar consumption can also cause  a huge negative impact on overall health. Sugar combines with proteins and fats, forming AGE’s (Advanced Glycation Endproducts) which are toxins. Sugar is highly addictive and can be compared to drugs and alcohol as far as addiction goes. That is why people find it hard to give up sugar in spite of knowing its harmful effects.

How many of us will reject drinking tea if it is without sugar? But it is not an impossible task. Depending on your age, genetic predisposition, metabolic health and insulin sensitivity, one must consider giving up on sugar to reduce it to a bare minimum for the sake of improving health and longevity. Remember, sugar in any form is bad. Be it sugary drinks, fruit juices, honey, jaggery or even dry fruits where sugar gets concentrated like in raisins.

Carbohydrates and processed foods are another form of sugar. A slice of white bread equals 3 spoons of sugar. Refined flour will be converted to sugar by our body in a very short time after consumption. It will keep you hungry and wanting for more every few hours. 

Try whole foods and give up on snacking every few hours. Avoid refined, processed, canned foods and foods and drinks with added sugars.

Vibhuti Misra  

 Holistic Health Specialist

 +91 813 088 2160  

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